Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cannellini pasta soup and baked potato

A chunky soup and some beautiful baked potato. A hearty meal always leaves us in a good mood, and this was a very sweet Saturday night! The soup itself is pretty simple to prepare, so we made the baked potato with sour cream and chives, and Ram suggested a fried spring onion side.

The soup(serves 2):
You need about half a cup of chopped: onions, spring onions, carrot, tomatoes, zucchini. A few cloves of chopped garlic, salt and pepper.
Saute the above in olive oil for about 10 minutes. Add about 2 tbsp of wine. Once the wine evaporates, keep on simmer (adding a bit of water from time to time) till the veggies get a bit soft and mushy.
Add this to you vegetable broth (about 3-4 cups), along with your beans (2 cups) and pasta (a handful). Also add herbs of your choice. I tossed in some rosemary, thyme and oregano.
Simmer till you soup turns thick. Garnish with parsley and grated parmesan.

The baked potatoes and garlic:
Take 3 large potatoes and wash them. Pierce small holes in them with a fork. Take a bowl and mix 1 tbsp butter and 3 tbsp olive oil. Coat the potatoes and garlic in this mixture and roll them over coarse salt. Pop them in the oven for about an hour.
Once done, cut the potatoes in half, and serve with a dollop of soup cream and chopped chives.


The fried onions:
Ram made this quick scrumptious starter. Chop the spring onions in half. Saute in olive oil for 5-10 minutes till crisp and brown. Add salt and pepper to taste.

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